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Welcome to the Countdown To Slimdown: Weight Loss Success Course!

So excited that you have joined!

In this video I go over: Why I created the course, Course Overview, Disclaimers, Resources, BEFORE and AFTER pics

Module 1

Find Motivation and Achieve Your Goals

Ready to set meaningful goals to guide your journey to better health and nutrition?

Setting Goals – How to Establish Clear and Achievable Objectives

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Lesson 1

Discover Your Motivation for Achieving a Healthy Weight

In this lesson you will learn about Uncovering Your Motivation. Uncover the deeper motivations behind your desire to achieve a healthy weight.

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Lesson 2

Take Control of Your Health - Managing Health Issues

In this lesson you’ll learn about some health conditions related to obesity. And the first BONUS download where you can list your health issues and then keep track of the changes as you lose the weight.

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#1 – Health Checklist

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Lesson 3

A Practical Guide to Choosing a Realistic Goal Weight

Welcome to Lesson 3. We will be talking about the practical steps of choosing a realistic goal weight. It’s essential to set attainable goals for our weight loss journey. Let’s explore how to make informed decisions about our goals.

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#2 – Countdown to Slimdown Chart

#3 – S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting

Module 2

Healthy Habits for Weight Loss Success: From Goals to Daily Practices

“Gamify” Your Health Journey and Stay Motivated!

Turn tracking your progress into a fun and rewarding experience with interactive charts and graphs

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Lesson 4

How to Use Charts to Change your Lifestyle

Lesson 4 emphasizes the importance of using charts to change your lifestyle for weight loss success. Let’s explore more practical strategies for using charts to track our progress and stay motivated.

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#4. Daily Weight Loss Tracker

#5. Body Measurements Tracker

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Lesson 5

Healthy Habits for Weight Loss Success - From Goals to Daily Practices

Lesson 5 highlights the importance of integrating healthy habits into your daily life for weight loss success, transitioning from goals to daily practices. 

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#6. 30-Day NEW Habit Challenge

#7. New Habit Tracker

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Lesson 6

Turn Your Weight Loss Journey into a Game

We’re exploring how to turn your weight loss journey into a game. Making weight loss fun and engaging can help us stay motivated and committed to our goals. Let’s uncover creative ways to gamify our journey to a healthier lifestyle.

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#8. Weekly Weight Loss Tracker

#9. 5-Pound Colour Chart (My Weight Loss Goal Tracker)

Module 3

Intermittent Fasting 101: How to Boost Your Health and Energy

Learning About Intermittent Fasting for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

Curious about intermittent fasting? Let’s dive into the benefits for weight loss and maintenance.

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Lesson 7

The Beginner's Guide to Intermittent Fasting

We are discussing intermittent fasting in this lesson Number 7. Intermittent fasting can be a powerful tool for losing weight and maintaining weight loss. There are also other health benefits we discuss. Let’s explore the basics of intermittent fasting and how it can benefit you.

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Lesson 8

Keeping Track of What You Eat: Food Logging Made Easy

In this lesson, we’re diving into the nitty-gritty of tracking what you eat, because knowing what goes into your body is a superpower on your path to wellness. Ready to make food logging a breeze? Let’s get started!

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 #10 – Daily Food Journal

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Lesson 9

How To Incorporate Fasting into Your Daily Routine

In Lesson 9, we talk about how to make fasting fit seamlessly into your day. Let’s break it down! BONUS Download #11 is included in the lesson.

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#11. Intermittent Fasting And Meal Schedules

Module 4

Keto and Low Carb Lifestyle: Simple Changes Make Big Results

Curious about the ketogenic diet and low carb eating? 

Learning About Keto and Low Carb diets. Education for Sustainable Lifestyle Changes

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Lesson 10

Let's Learn About Carbs and Sugar

Welcome to Lesson 10, where we’re talking about carbs and sugar. Ever wonder how these sneaky ingredients affect your weight loss goals? Let’s break it down together!


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Lesson 11

Counting Carbs Made Simple

In this lesson, we learn how to review nutrition labels and see how many carbs are in various snacks. I discuss the difference between carbs and calories and why it is hard to eat low carb.


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#12. Carb Counting Companion

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Lesson 12

Feelin' the Low-Carb Blues? Tips for Surviving the ‘Flu'

In Lesson 12, we tackle the issue with the low-carb blues. Feeling a bit under the weather as you transition to a low-carb lifestyle? Don’t worry, I’ve got some tips to help you deal with it and get through this challenging time.


Module 5

Overcoming Carb and Sugar Cravings: Tips and Tricks for a Healthier You

Out of Sight, Out of Mind – Managing Temptations and Cravings

What strategies can you use to keep high carb foods out of sight and stick to your nutritional goals?

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Lesson 13

Overcoming the Hurdles of Weight Loss Plateaus

Are you ready to conquer another weight loss hurdle? In Lesson 13, we’re tackling one of the biggest challenges on our journey, namely, overcoming weight loss plateaus.

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Lesson 14

Beat Your Sweet Tooth: Strategies to Crush Sugar Cravings

Welcome to lesson 14. We know those sugar cravings can be tough, but we can make a plan to conquer them! Learn about the power of the “out-of-sight” concept in reducing temptation and cravings. 

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#13. Risky Foods Checklist

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Lesson 15

Snack Attack - Keep Your Cravings At Bay

In Lesson 15, we’re tackling sugar and carb cravings head-on. Say goodbye to “mindless munching” and hello to non-food alternatives! Also, there is another BONUS download in this lesson.

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#14. Snack Alternatives Checklist

Module 6

Body Image: Embrace Your Body and Boost Your Confidence

Ready to capture your starting point on the road to improved nutrition and wellness?

Transformation Photos –  Documenting Your Journey to Better Health

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Lesson 16

See the difference - Taking Before, During, and After Weight Loss Photos

Ready to embrace your body and boost confidence? In Lesson 16, we’re discussing the power of visual progress tracking…taking photos and videos! Let’s capture those transformations and celebrate every step of the journey!

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Lesson 17

Boosting Your Self-Esteem and Confidence with Weight Loss

In Lesson 17,  we’re talking about the emotional side of shedding pounds. Explore the concept of “body dysmorphia” and its impact on self-esteem. Discover how losing weight can enhance your self-esteem and improve your overall well-being.

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Lesson 18

Size Matters - A Weight Loss Clothes Size Guide

In Lesson 18, we are talking about our shrinking wardrobes as we lose weight? Let’s make sure those clothes keep up with your amazing progress! Buying new, buying used, or borrowing…as you lose the weight, you will need to figure out how to get through the “During” stages as the weight comes off.

Module 7

Grocery Shopping and Meal Planning Made Easy

How can you shift your mindset and learn to eat a nutritious diet to help you lose weight and maintain it? Learn about Healthy Cooking for Long-Term Success.

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Lesson 19

One-Ingredient Wonders - Easy Grocery and Meal plans

In Lesson 19, we’re discussing simple, nutritious foods to buy at the grocery store. Learn about the versatility of single-ingredient staples and how they form the foundation of healthy meals. Learn how to make healthy choices without breaking the bank

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#14.5  Low Carb Grocery Checklist

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Lesson 20

Yummy Low-Carb Meals You Can Make at Home!

Tantalize your taste buds with Lesson 20. We’re diving into the world of delicious, waistline-friendly cooking that’ll make healthy eating a breeze. Embrace the simplicity of one-ingredient foods and learn how to create delicious, nutritious meals with minimal effort.

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#15. Your Personal Cookbook

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Lesson 21

Cook Now, Eat Later - Saving Time with Meal Prep

Meal prep is what we talk about in Lesson 21. Say goodbye to kitchen stress and hello to hassle-free meal times with these time-saving tips! Meal prep makes life easier when you have a busy schedule. Learn ways to reheat the food you have prepared ahead of time.

Low Carb Cooking Class

Mastering Batch Cooking

Discover how batch cooking can streamline your week and ensure you always have nutritious meals on hand.

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Cooking Class - Part 1

Welcome to the first of 7 videos of my Low Carb Cooking Class. In this first video, I discuss and show you about:

  • Batch cooking saves time
  • Choosing pots, pans and dishes
  • Sharpening knife
  • Selecting variety of vegetables, fruits and meats
  • Chopping and prepare the vegetables for cooking
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Cooking Class - Part 2

Welcome to the 2nd video of this 7-part video series of my low carb Cooking Class. In this video I show how to:

  • Chop and prepare the vegetables for cooking. 
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Cooking Class - Part 3

In this 3rd video of the Low Carb Cooking Class, I continue to show how to:

  • Chop and prepare the vegetables for cooking
  • Cook and roast the vegetables


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Cooking Class - Part 4

Welcome to the 4th video of the Low Carb Cooking Class. Topics covered:

  • Chop and prepare the vegetables for cooking
  • Prepare meat for cooking
  • Bone broth instructions
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Cooking Class - Part 5

In this 5th video in the Cooking Class series, I show how to: 

  • Cook and roast vegetables
  • Boil eggs
  • Cook meat 
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Cooking Class - Part 6

Welcome to the 6th video in this Cooking Class series. I show how to: 

  • Finish cooking meats
  • Make cheese sauce
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Cooking Class - Part 7

This is the last of the 7 videos for the Cooking Class. I show how to do Meal Prep with all the foods I have been cooking. This makes the week so much easier if you have to go to work etc. since you can do the prep ahead of time.

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Cooking Class - FULL VIDEO

This is the full cooking class in 1 video.

Module 8

Eating Out without Guilt: Healthy Options and Smart Swaps

Do you love dining out but worry about derailing your weight loss progress? Learn how to make healthier choices when dining out without sacrificing or feeling deprived.

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Lesson 22

Navigating Cheat Meals - Staying on Track with Your Goals

Welcome to Lesson 22 of this weight loss success course. We are talking all about eating out…and bringing back the concept of our “Risky foods”. Discover “The 2-Bite Rule”, a simple strategy for enjoying treats without overindulging.

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Lesson 23

Zero-Carb Sips - Keeping You In Line when Out For Drinks

In Lesson 23, we’re tackling the challenge of enjoying drinks while staying true to our goals, even when we’re out and about. Discover how to replace, not eliminate, high-carb beverages to avoid feelings of deprivation and stay on track. 

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Lesson 24

Vacation Vibes - Rest And Relax And Stay On Track

Welcome to Lesson 24. We are talking about enjoying your vacation while keeping your health goals in check. Let’s make sure those vacation vibes don’t derail our progress!

Module 9

How Support and Accountability Can Help You Reach Your Goals

Need Accountability? Find Support and Stay on Track with Your Health Goals 

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Lesson 25

Journey Buddies - Finding Friends on the Journey to Weight Loss

In Lesson 25, we discuss “Journey Buddies”…finding friends on the Journey to Weight Loss SUCCESS! Finding a group of friends to do things with can help with support. Explore the benefits of joining an online community of like-minded individuals on the same path to weight loss success. 

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Lesson 26

The Power of Accountability (and it’s drawbacks)

In Lesson 26, we talk about the importance of having someone to hold us accountable in our quest for weight loss success. Understand the importance of surrounding yourself with positive influences and supportive individuals on your weight loss journey. 

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Lesson 27

Motivation Unleashed - Finding Inspiration to Fuel Your Weight Loss

Welcome to Lesson 27 of our journey towards weight loss success. The power of motivation and inspiration can help to propel us forward on our weight loss journey. Learn the power of creating a quotes notebook filled with motivational phrases and affirmations to boost your spirits and keep you focused. 

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#16. Inspirational Quotes

Module 10

The Power of Journalling and Mindset When Losing Weight

How can you keep yourself entertained and motivated during your weight loss journey? Learn about Activities to Stay Engaged While Awaiting Results.

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Lesson 28

Strategies for Dealing With Change on Your Transformative Journey

Welcome to Lesson 28 of our journey towards weight loss success. We talk about change and explore how to navigate its twists and turns with grace and resilience. Learn how journaling can help you gain insight into your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours surrounding food and weight loss.

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Lesson 29

Weight Loss and Grief - Understanding the Emotional Connection

Welcome to Lesson 29 where we discuss the emotional connection with weight loss. Shedding those pounds can be hard…and understanding the rollercoaster of feelings that come with it will help in the process. Learn the importance of allowing yourself to feel these emotions and process them in a healthy way.

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Lesson 30

The Waiting Game - Spice Up Your Weight Loss Journey

In Lesson 30, we’re talking about how to keep things exciting and stay motivated while we’re waiting for those pounds to drop. What To Do “In the Meantime” – Explore fun and healthy activities to keep you busy.

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#17. Gratitude Journal

Module 11

What To Expect When You Are Losing Weight

How can you address common side effects like skin rashes and thinning hair when changing your diet? Dealing with Skin Rashes and Other Side Effects –  Tips for Managing Dietary Changes.

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Lesson 31

Hair Care Tips - Strategies for Thinning Hair During Weight Loss

Welcome to Lesson 31. We’re discussing a topic that might not be the first thing on our minds when we think about weight loss – taking care of our hair! Learn about why weight loss can sometimes lead to thinning hair. Also, learn Ways to Save Time and Money with cutting and colouring your own hair.

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Lesson 32

Understanding Skin Irritation During Weight Loss

In Lesson 32, we’re talking about an unpleasant symptom of weight loss some people experience – skin rashes during weight loss! And, we talk a bit about the complex topic of perimenopause and menopause as well.

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Lesson 33

From Acne to Awesome - Achieving Clear Skin with IF and A Low-Carb Diet

In Lesson 33 we explore the benefits of intermittent fasting (IF) and a low-carb diet for improving skin health, including reducing and even eliminating acne! Learn about the importance of consistency and patience when it comes to seeing results

Module 12

Life After Reaching Your Goal Weight

Celebrating Your Achievements and Transformation – Document the amazing changes you’ve made to your health and appearance.

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Lesson 34

Inspiring Others - Sharing Your Weight Loss Success Story

In Lesson 34, we’re talking about how to spread those positive vibes and inspire others with your amazing progress! I know it might seem a long way off still until you reach your goal weight but it’s good to think about the future…and keep journalling DURING your journey. Then you will have your thoughts “down on paper” and can share what worked for you after you reach your goal. 

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Lesson 35

Post-Weight Loss - Get In Shape AFTER Weight Loss

Welcome to the 2nd to last lesson…Lesson 35. FINALLY we are going to talk about Exercise! Now that we’ve talked about the weight loss journey, and reaching your goal weight, it’s time to discuss getting in shape. Avoid overwhelming yourself by trying to tackle weight loss AND getting in shape at the same time.

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Lesson 36

Beyond the Scale - Continuing Your Health Journey

It’s time for the final Lesson…Lesson 36. You’ve come so far on your weight loss journey! Now we’re diving into life after reaching your goal weight! Celebrate Your Success!

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#18. Weekly Review